Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Helloooo everyone. I know it's been a while since I acually blogged or..anything to that effact, but I figured it was time for a check in. How are we all doing ladies?? After a not-so-skinny September, I've been working my ass off trying to get back into the swing of things.

The last week of September wasn't too bad, but ever since, I've been working harder. It's a lot easier to not eat and lose weight when you're at work, especially for me. See, I work in a warehouse where I'm on my feet eight hours a day. Not to mention, I have to do extra work because no one at my job wants to do their job. What they're getting paid for, I'm not entirely sure.

But I usually eat nothing on my first break, & nothing for breakfast. On lunch break, I haven't been eating anything :) But this week it's been mostly grapes. But, I work it all off in the end. Actually, right now, I'm using one of the best inventions ever; a tread desk. All it is, is a staack of shelves basically with a treadmill underneath so you can work and workout, at the same time :)

Anyway, back to my update. I am down aproximately, 7 pounds since last week!! It's amaz9ing what portion control and some walking can do for you. I'm fluxuating, but mostly about 3 pounds away from my first goal weight of 145 pounds. I know, I'm fat. Then, it'll be another 10 pounds to get down to 135 pounds. My ultimate goal weight is about 120 pounds or whenever I feel I'm thin enough..if that's possible.

It actually made me smile today, when my pants kept sliding down at work. Only because it made me realize that these same pants had at one time, barely fit me because I was so fat :) So it was just a reminder that I'm losing weight even when I feel I'm not. But the scale doesn't lie. I even weigh myself twice(once & again right after) just to make sure it's the same number.

But that's all for my update. Things are going well! Hope all of you are working your way to a smaller October! :) Good luck ladiesss! Love, Hope, & Zero Calories haha

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