I thought God made mistakes
Not because everyone does
But only because I looked at my life
And wonder if He was buzzed
How I wound up with my parents
I really just don't know
And my sisters I was given
Must be a disgustingly sick joke
But then one day I stumbled
Upon a man that's now my dad
Would I trade him for the world? Hell no!
He's the best one I've ever had
And months passes by as wind
It was then I met my mother
Loving & so gentle
But not so much that she smothers
And days and weeks went by again
My sisters were at my side
There have been tears and smiles
But it's been an amazing ride
Although this family isn't related by blood
That's not what keeps families together
But love, loyalty, and shoulders
Is what will keep us attatched forever
Home is where the heart is.