Thursday, October 21, 2010


Slave. That's what it is. The one word that describes my very existance on this planet, how I'm viewed. Yep. There ya go. You know what I've been doing with my day? Watching/taking care of my niece and cleaning my mom's house. Yea. My MOM's. Not mine! My mom's. At one point, I got Jocelyn down for a nap. But ya wanna know what I spent my "free time" doing? Cleaning. Yea. And you know what's sad? When I'm done cleaning THE ENTIRE HOUSE, someone will have something to say or ask if I cleaned a specific thing. They won't appreciate it.

While my niece was asleep, I got the livingroom right to the edge of perfect(aside from cleaning out the crate of computer games and software & organizing the movies which I still have to do). As soon as I turned on the faucet to start washing dishes, my niece comes out of my mom's room, all awake and throwing things around the livingroom and getting into the pile of dust & things that I hadn't gotten a chance to sweep up yet. About ten minutes later my mother decided to be of some assistance(for once) and read to Jocelyn while I got most of the dishes done. I then got on my hands and knees and proceeded to start scrubbing the kitchen floor. Needless to say, that didn't last long.

I still have to finish the kitchen(clean off the table, counter, finish the floor & dishes), start and finish the bathroom, stairs & hallway, probably make & serve dinner, clean up the mess made my making, serving, & eating dinner, & put my niece to bed. Then do everything I need to do for me; shower, laundry, research, breathe. Things of that nature. And in the process of doing ALL of this(things for me & cleaning the house), my mother(who is sleeping right now[like she's done anything with her life today]) will continuously interrupt me and ask for me to go to her room, go into the livingroom or kitchen, get something, and bring it back. THEN she will decide that as I'm leaving her room, she wants something else or something I brought her, isn't right. Then my sister will get home around 11:30pm, sit on the couch, eat(therefore making a mess I'll have to clean up), keep me up til about 1 or 2 in the morning, & then plop her daughter on me at about 9 to wake me up to watch her while she's still in the house and doesn't go to work til 2pm.

This? This is my life...on a daily...with less cleaning involved. And no nap for my niece.

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