Monday, August 30, 2010

Ana Tips (1st Ana Journal)

~Cough Drops
~No eating past 6pm
~Lots of veggies (Lettuce has no cals)
~Cardio 30-60 minutes 6 days a week
~Change workout weekly
~Workout twice a day
~Drink lots of water
~No dairy
~1 glass of wwater every hour(at least)
~ice water is best
~Eat ice or gum when hungry
~Cold showers
~Brush teeth constantly
~Exercise twice the amount of calories eaten
~Walk when you're hungry
~Sleep at least 6 hours a day
~Prepare a list of excuses for not eating
~Make a scrapbook with pix of skinny models, a list of all the reasons you wanna lose weight, and a food diary
~Make a list of "bad" foods that you crave and pick one to take out of your diet completely each day that no matter what you won't eat again
~If you drink any alcohol, stick to a glass of wine, it has the least calories (80 Calories)
~Limit portion sizes to no more than one cup because your stomach will then expand
~The smell of coffee is supposed to supress appetite
~6 small meals a day( 2 apples, split them up so you can have 6 meals of them)
~Anti-heartburn pills kill the acid that builds and makes you hungry
~FUN FACT: It takes 20 minutes for your brain to realize your stomach's full
~When you get hunger pains, curl into a ball. It makes them go away
~Smoking curbs the appetite
~Lots of fiber makes you feel full and takes faat out of the body
~When you get hungry, chug water til you feel full
~Weight yourself before and after you eat to see how much you gain from what you eat
~Celery has negative calories and actually burns them
~Read the nutrion label! Fat-free doesn't mean calorie free. More fiber, less fat and calories
~Don't eat a lot at once
~No eating in front of the computer or tv or anything distracting from portion size
~Eating 4 100 cal meals is better than eating 1 400 calorie meal
~If you hit a weight loss plateau, binge a little to get it back on track
~Take a sip of water between bites, it reduces how much you actually eat
~If you have a craving, go prepare it, chew it, then spit it out. After, wash you mouth with water 3 times before swallowing a sip so no calories are digested.
~Don't eat foods that you don't know the exact amount of calories
~Track progress with measurements, not just the scale. The measuring tape isn't effected by weather or time of day
~When you wanna eat, put on a song that you are guarenteed to sing along to, this will disctract you from eating
~Buy awesome jeans that are a size or 2 too small and put them where you see them everyday as motivation to lose weight. When they fit, restart the cycle
~Use diet pills with caution
~No soda
~Water fasting cleanses the body of stored fats and whatnot
~Fasting can clear the skin, whiten the eyes, initiate rapid weight loss, make hair grow quick, and shrink the stomach
~Laxatives don't help!
~Eat smaller portions on smaller plates
~Eat low-cal soup-barely any fat and cals and fills you up fast
~Spinning around in circles curbs your appetite
~Tums curbs stomach acid that can make you hungry
~Set a goal weight, but also a weight that you refuse to hit if you gain too much weight
~Rice cakes are your best friend(30 cals, but only eat a few) or will help track foods eaten and exercise and calories burned
~Get an Ana buddy! It will give you someone to not only keep you on track, but also someone to compare yourself to and "compete" against to lose the weight

These are some of my tips n secrets, from me, to you. HOPE THEY HELP!!

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