Sunday, January 18, 2009

A Sunday Revelation

So today was Sunday church, which meant getting up early after a long Saturday, getting ready, and dragging myself into church looking somewhat decent. I realized that as this may take alot of effort, but it was something I needed to do.

After church, we had a luncheon. Let me inform you, I've eaten at probably ONE of these things. Why? Because while everyone else is eating and fellowshipping(is that a word??), I am upstairs doing what I love. Playing the piano. It's a simple pleasure I love to indulge in whenever possible. I have a keyboard at home, but it just doesn't get that sound that the piano does.

While I played, I closed my eyes. I let my fingers talk to the keys and share secrets with the beautiful music the piano seemed to produce. I enjoyed this. My favorite part of playing the piano is just closing my eyes, letting my hands take over the keys, and listening and imagining what the music is trying to tell me. It's gorgeous, really. It's almost as if in your mind's eye, you're fantasizing about life in general, but in notes.

As people, randomly began to enter the sanctuary to gather their belongings, I realized that as they entered the room, I could feel their presence. A few times, I opened my eyes. I noticed that when I opened my eyes, the music was just music, and my hands began to jumble together bad notes that didn't sound good. It became music. Just music and nothing more. I realized that the people noticed this too. I closed my eyes again and corrected myself.

It was as if when people came into the room, the music filled them, and it spread. I was only doing what I loved, but when I began to recieve compliments on my playing, I realized that I'm not just doing what I love. It wasn't that I was there; It was what I was doing. My simple talent, brought joy and at least a slight smile to the faces of all the many people that go out and have worse days and weeks and months than I do. My simple stress reliever, isn't me. It's God.

Over the many times I've pondered that age old question- "Why am I here?"- I finally realized part of the answer. It's not what we do for ourselves, but what we do for others. Our simple little talents that we think nothing of, can mean a WORLD of difference to someone who's just lost their job, or lost a loved one, or even just had a bad day.

So what's the point of this? It's not that we're here, but what we DO while we're here. So brighten someone's day: When it's cold outside, show the world the warmth of your smile! Just a little food for thought. ;)
xoxo, E


  1. And THAT, my friend, is true and honest worship: being and doing what the Lover of your soul has created you to be and do.

  2. "Praise... I cannot say it with mere words convincingly, so I live it with the life I live unflinchingly." ~Linford Detweiler
