Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Leave Out All The Rest

Who am I? What have I done? Who have I helped me? Why am I here? Will I be missed when I'm gone? How did I become who I am today?

Twilight. I've been listening to the soundtrack ALL day. Mostly one song. "Leave Out All The Rest" by Linkin Park. It got me thinking:

1. How do people see me?
2. What type of memories will I leave behind when I'm gone?
3. Who am I to me?
4. Does anyone care?

We can't save ourselves. It's not possible. We can't create a public image of ourselves, no matter how hard we try. People will always form their own opinions of you no matter what you do. As much as we'd like to think that we can take care of ourselves and that we are who we say we are, it's not up to us. It's those around us; friends, family, enemies. No one can save us from ourselves.

How do you view yourself? What kind of memories will you leave behind? Will people find reasons to dance on your grave? We can't just forget the wrong people have done. We think it's easy to do when we forgive, but how many of us actually forget the wrong people have done?

Let's say for argument's sake that you could forget all the wrong; Would you? Think about it. WOuldn't you want someone to forget your wrong? It's not jsut the golden rule, it's a matter of being selfless and taking responsibility into your own hands. We can't save ourselves, but we can help others save themselves. Have you ever done anything that you know someone would never forget?

What is the purpose of remembering someone's wrongs? When they're gone, that's all you're remember. The wrongs they did will fill the place where the fun memories used to be. Is that really how you wanna remember your best friend or good co-worker? "Oh, they took the last cup of coffee" or "She stole my boyfriend". Is that what you're going to say at their funeral? Do you want their family to know that you're only lasting memories of their loved one is all the bad they've ever done to you?

It's not a question of who you are, but of how you want to be remembered. I have an icon. It says "I want to be remembered as the girl who could brighten everyone elses day even when she couldn't brighten her own". That's the wy I wanna be remembered. I don't know about you, but I don't wanna be remembered for my wrongs and I highly doubt anyone else does.

*Note: Song of inspiration-"Leave Out All The Rest" by Linkin Park(Twilight Soundtrack)


  1. SO awesome, I really enjoyed it! Actually, the title inspired me to start a blog of my own, though it has nothing to do with the subject of yours. I am going to start a letter blog to different people in my life.

  2. That is truly one of my favorite song!

    You bring up an amazing point and that is that true forgiveness forgets, as if it never happened. Wow! And yet forever remembers and testified of the good that you've done. That is how I want to be remembered. That ishiwim sure everyone wants to be remembered. That is what we want for ourselves, and so that is how we must treat others.

    Let's start today by focusing on forgetting the wrongs people have done to us, and replacing in that void's wake a praise for that person instead. I think if we can look beyond the innate bad in people, we can see the innate good and encourage it to the surface.
