Tuesday, September 14, 2010

A Few Reasons Why I Love My Daddy

For My Daddy♥

Why A Daughter Needs A Dad
~To learn that when he says it will be okay soon, it will.
~Who will make sacrifices so she will not have to sacrifice.
~~To teach her that her value as a person is more than the way she looks.
**~~Who will laugh at her at the right times.****
*~~Who will always have time to give her hugs and kisses.*
*~~Who will always make sure she has a place to come home to.*
*~~Who will never think she is too old to need him.*
~To make the family whole and complete.
*~~Who will not punish her for her mistakes, but help her learn from them.*
*~~To teach her to believe that she deserves to be treated well.*
~To teach her to accept the differences in others.
~To teach her to weigh the consequences of her actions and make decisions accordingly.
~To tell her truthfully that she is the most beautiful of all.
~~To protect her from scary nighttime creatures.
*~~To answer the questions that keep her awake at night.*
~To make the complex simple and the painful bearable.
~~To teach her that family is more important than work.
~~To be the safe spot she can always turn to.
~~To show her how it feels to be loved unselfishly.
~To be the standard against which she will judge all men.
~~Who will influence her life, even when he isn't with her.
*~~To tell her that all is not hopeless, even when she feels it is.*
~~To join her journey when she is too afraid to walk alone.
~~So that she will have at least one hero who will not let her down.
~~To tuck her in at night.
~~To help her take risks that will build her confidence.
~~Who will let her know that while she may not be the center of someone else's world, she is the center of his.
~To learn what she should expect from her husband.
~~To teach her what it means to always be there.
~~To teach her that a man's strength is not the force of his hand or his voice,
but the kindness of his heart.
~~To teach her to be honest in all her dealings.
~~To help her try again whenever she fails.
~~So that when no one else is there for her, she can close her eyes and see him.
~~To think highly of her when no one else will.
*~~To hold her as she cries.*
~~Who teaches her she is important by stopping what he is doing to watch her.
*~~To remind her of the comfort of being held near and feeling secure.*
~~To teach her to stand up for herself.
*~~Who gives her refuge in a home secured with faith.*
*~~To show her that true love is unconditional.*
~~To teach her not to let pride get in the way of discovering new things.
~To show her all the boys are not like the one who hurt her.
~~To stand with her on the day she marries the man she hopes will be just like her father.
*~~Because without him she will have less in her life than what she deserves.*

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